Stop the Spread

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Plastic sign explaining the safety precautions for Coronavirus

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Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Stop the Spread plastic signboard appeals to follow safety measures to prevent COVID-19. This sign contains 5 precautionary measures for personal safety and prevention. And you can place this signage at any place you think will get more views. The signage contains text and images to convey the safety measures one needs to follow. 

Taking Safety Precautions

As we try to survive the global pandemic and open our facilities, we need to be equipped. It is always good to follow a safety protocol. You can educate, remind, and reinforce safety measures by using a simple sign. We help you take proper precautions and increase safety at your facilities. Corrugated plastic signs that we offer can be used for both commercial and residential properties. 

Dedicated To Serve Your Needs 

Signtacular is dedicated to cautionary signs for the current COVID 19 – Coronavirus situation. Find a wide range of safety awareness signs for your signage needs. What is more? You can get FREE shipping for orders above $99. We are here for all your signage needs. Drop-in an email or chat with us if you have any questions. Learn more on how to use the signages

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